Genius Tiny Snake vs Giant Snakes - Epic Slitherio Gameplay - Genius Tiny Snake vs Giant Snakes – Epic Slitherio Gameplay

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• Game info:
Slitherio is a massively multiplayer browser game. Players control the character like a snake, leaving more colorful pieces behind when the snake goes fast if it becomes too big in the game; the main goal of the game is to become the server’s longest snake.

#Slither #Slitherio #Gameplay


  1. Theres a new Among Us map called The Fungle

  2. I’ve been watching u since 8 years old, true inspiration

  3. Keep your good work TARGET I miss you playing amoug us

  4. I didn’t know people still play this game I always used to play this

  5. Let's appreciate that your trying to make are childhood alive again ☺️

  6. "Who will be the next winner? COMMENT NOW!"

    The real winner is Target and their skill at entertaining us all the time. Thanks bro, take care!

  7. I am sliher io destroyed Gaza sliher 1 pro

  8. oh my god lol i watched this so much when i was smaller

  9. 63 number lore studios The Christmas Angel says:

    Who missed target playing among us

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